white wasp


a sting above the rest

Insectec is a leader in the production of natural enemies and the implementation thereof in an integrated pest management system.

Quality control at Insectec

Quality is the name of the game

At Insectec we believe that quality is key, therefore, we pride ourselves in ensuring that all our products are of excellent quality before they go to our clients. In order for us to ensure this high level of quality we have a strict quality control panel that constantly supervises the entire production chain, and eventually the end product is rigorously tested to ensure every batch produced is up to standard.


These standards are:

  • Contain the number of natural enemies indicated
  • Contain the natural enemy indicated on the label
  • Each product should be efficient and in good health
  • Each product should not be contaminated

Our clients play an integral part in ensuring the quality of our products, we value our clients’ inputs and use them to ensure that our products live up to our clients’ needs and expectations.

Our quality control system ensures that Insectec remains “a sting above the rest”.

Crop Scouting

Therefore, it is very important to record scouting data and keep the records from season to season in order to develop a history of pest and beneficial population trends over time.
Insectec provides scout training at predetermined dates each year where we teach the ins and outs of scouting as well as how to identify common citrus pests, feel free to contact us for more information.

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